ERA-EDTA invites you to attend the 57th ERA-EDTA Fully Virtual Congress (June 6-9, 2020).

ERA-EDTA in connection with the pandemic this year decided to hold the annual Congress in a FULLY VIRTUAL mode. The Association invites all specialists in the field of nephrology, dialysis and transplantation to its annual Congress:

Dear Colleagues,

Our 57th ERA-EDTA Congress will continue as planned on the originally scheduled dates of June 6-9, 2020 in a fully virtual manner.

As every year, it will be the time to celebrate goals and achievements as well as explore new paths and be fascinated by innovations and developments which influence the world of nephrology in a fully virtual, but still highly interactive, manner.

The Scientific Committee, chaired by Prof. Peter Blankestijn, has worked very hard to guarantee an outstanding scientific programme that could meet the expectations of virtual attendees and satisfy the nephrology community.

We are looking forward to sharing with all of you the experience of this extraordinary and unique virtual edition of the 2020 ERA-EDTA Congress.

Carmine Zoccali, ERA-EDTA President
Christoph Wanner, ERA-EDTA President-Elect

Uzbekistan Nephrology Service thanks the ERA-EDTA administration for the invitation.