ERA-EDTA has created a special web page pertaining to the COVID19 global pandemic.

The rapid spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic poses unprecedented challenges throughout the world. Fortunately, there is also new epidemiologic data emerging from China and Korea indicating that it is possible to bring this epidemic under control with draconic measures.

To serve the renal community at such a critical time, the ERA-EDTA Council has created a special web page pertaining to this global pandemic. This page includes links to general information on COVID-19 disease, specific information for nephrologists, other professionals and patients with kidney diseases, as well as relevant scientific articles. The website is updated regularly by a dedicated editorial team of nephrologists led by Ron Gansevoort (Groningen, The Netherlands) and Maria Jose Soler (Barcelona, Spain), with help of Coretta van Leer (Virologist, Groningen, The Netherlands) and Nuria Fernandez Hidalgo (Virologist, Barcelona, Spain).

The Nephrology Service of Uzbekistan is deeply grateful to ERA-EDTA for providing up-to-date and relevant information.